You may note how I spell Windoze. Vista was bad on release, better after many updates over half a year or so. I like my Vista but I like Windoze 7 even better. I recall Punched Cards (programming in machine code), CPM, DOS, Windoze Original, Windoze 2 (never ran it), Windoze 3.0, 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98 (crap), 98 SE (better), Mellenium (crap also), XP (good after SP1). After all that I almost feel old but I know people older than that. I also recall bootstapping a computer using a diode matrix and the memory was called core memory. It was made of ferrite doughuts. I actually have a drum memory, like a hard drive but on a drum and is 8 megs of storage. Back in those days that was huge!. Although the first hard drive I worked on was an IBM disk pack. I use to do maintenance on them, re-align the heads. Yea, heads in open air, not sealed.
How in the world did I get here from the start of Windoze. Oh well... Time to run, my son is a Marine who works a few miles from Ft. Hood. Need to check to see if he's doing well, I'm sure he is.