hello everyone!
is anyone here using this new media player called Xtreamer? i have some problems that i would like to solve if it's xtreamer's faults or dgl's...
this media player comes with 802.11n functionality by an usb antenna, but whenever i try to use the wifi in this mode the player becomes useless, as i can't stream nothing from my pc, that has a wired connection to the dgl-4500... when i put the router on G mode only, than the Xtreamer connects at 802.11g mode and everything works perfectly, but then the bandwidth is not high enough to stream 1080p content...
so, can this be one more problem for this router? im using the latest firmware i found on dlinks website (1.21NA, 2009/07/09)... should i try this newest one i found on this forum?
thanks in advance for any information regarding this!