DNS 323 Using Firmware 1.06, Bit Torrent app works fine, status page looks ok, but after a couple of hours, none of the data (% completion, kb/s, etc) changes. I can still expand or contract the "more details" link, but when I click on the "stop" button nothing happens. When I try clicking the "logout" link or if I just try the DNS web login link, the page goes blank and gives me a white screen with the following error:
Access Error: Site or Page Not Found
when trying to obtain /web/login.asp?id=6126399
Cannot open URL
My drives are both still accessible on my PC's and my media player is still able to play vids, but I cannot log back into the "configuration" or "downloads" applications on my browser. As a matter of fact, that welcome page does not even load.
The only way around it is to hard boot the NAS with the pwer button, or to run the "EasySearch" utility and click on the BT button, which seems to reset the NAS (soft boot?). The annoying thing is that after it reboots, each torrent file has to check itself before continuing the download, which can take hours, depending on the size and quantity of torrents I have in my queue.
I have also tried deleting all of the files in the three BT folders (complete, incomplete, and torrents), because sometimes some torrents show up both in the complete and incomplete folders, but the hanging still happens even with the folders cleared out and starting with fresh torrents.
This hanging used to happen every so often, but now it happens several times a day. The only thing I have changed recently is that I added another 1TB drive a couple of weeks ago.
Any ideas? Thanks.