Over the last week I've been having some issues.
I have 3 wired connections and a few wireless clients.
All the wireless clients work fine all the time. The wired connections are the ones having problems. I started getting a lot of random connection errors. I do not get the "Cable is not connected error" but I keep getting an error that says "Destination unreachable" and also "Request timed out" when I ping the router.
One thing that I noticed is that if I have my connection idle, only with an endless ping to the router, I do not see any problems. It is when I try to access anything (including the router's admin pages) that the connection drops for a few seconds and then comes back online later.
Is this a common problem?
I've been using the router for at least 9 months and never had a problem.
I've checked the wires with a tester and even replaced a few with new ones. No change.
I tried looking at the logs but they have nothing that can be related to this problem. No error messages, no warnings, no link up/link down (IMO link up/down should be logged whenever the status changes for a wired port or a wireless client).
Are there any hidden logs or status pages I can check?
Something that may or may not not be related to this problem I'm having... (please tell me or split the post if this needs its own thread)
If I keep a ping on the router from a wireless client (N, with about 45% signal str), most responses take anywhere from 2 to 4ms but periodically one of them takes over one full second. I have not timed it but I think it was around 1 slow response every 20 seconds or 30 seconds. Very consistent.
Is this normal or do I have a problem with the router or my wireless adapter on my desktop?
I can check with multiple clients at the same time to see if they all lag at the same time but I want to skip the testing if this is normal or expected behavior.