I am planing on buying this router but I need to know if I can establish a VPN tunnel using L2TP without any encryption. By this I mean no IPSEC only L2TP. This is because I have an ATA box wish is used for VOIP conection of remote analog phones. Waht it does is covert SIP protocol to regular analog phone line. Well the ATA box can establish VPN tunnels but only supports L2TP conections without IPSEC. The ATA box only asks for the IP of the VPN Server, User Login and Password and nothing else. It clearly states on the manual that it dosent support IPsec. If this is not possible with the DIR-330 can any one suggest what adapter if any can I use to establish a VPN connection to the DIR-330. I mean like a client but it has to be harware because I need to physicaly plug the ATA box to this adapter through an etrhernet conection.
Thanks for the help