New DNS-323, second NAS and first post.
I bought a DNS-321 a month some reviews that it was nowhere near gigabit speeds, I bought it...and yeah - it was really slow. I returned it. Went back after a month and got the DNS-323 pluged it, formated it as EXT3 and after setting up RAID1 I tested the speed - 10-12Mbytes/s...same as the DNS-321. OK I said..I upgraded the firmware to the latesst 1.09, same deal. I reformatted the drives with EXT2 and I got a little increase in speed up to 16Mbytes/s. but that's it. I played with the jumbo frame settings and this only slowed things down even more. I got all gigabit NICs and I got a Linksys E2000 Gigabit router, I cant blame it on the router cuz when I transfer 4gb or a 2gb file between my desktop and my laptop (gigabit lan also) I get average speed of 55-65Mbytes/s. I read so many different posts where a lot of people are getting slow performance also, but no practical solution to this problem. I've aslo changed the cable that connects the NAS and even tested it on a 3Com rack mount gigabit switch - no change in speed again. I'm using 2 Samsung 1Tb 7200rpm 32Mb Serial ATA 3.0Gbps
After all I wonder if its the NAS, the software that runs inside or the onboard NIC. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.