I had the same problem as reported in the very first post. The DAP-1522 was working, and then dropped out, working and then dropped out again. It was driving me crazy. I thought the reason was bad connection... there are 3 walls between the router (DIR 635) and the DAP. What I did, was that I upgraded the firmware on my router to the latest (2.21EU) and did the same on my DAP. Strangely enough my DAP was not delivered with the latest firmware (ver. 1.21). I then took a resetting on the DAP, run the setup and pushed the WPS button. I now had a connection, but in fear for getting the same problem I did a reservation on the router (ADD DHCP RESERVATION). In this way the IP address on my device, which happens to be a DENON receiver will not change, which is a good thing as I then can access the DENON from my PC. I further did a MAC CLONING on the DAP on the same mac address as I did for the reservation, i.e. my DENON.... I got a feeling that what did the trick (yes, my DAP is now working flawlessly) had something to do with the upgrades of the firmwares. I'm running out of space, so only a few tips at the end: Keep the DAP at its static default IP address ( and same channel on DAP and router, i.e. fix the channel on the router.