As you probably know the ip address is what is used to "contact" your DNS-323, every device on your network must have one, and no two devices can have the same ip address. In the old days, all ip addresses were set by the user at the device, and the user had to keep a list of what devices had which addresses - to make life easy, automatically assigned addresses were developed, using a process known as DHCP or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, and today many networks use DHCP.
Your network most likely has a DHCP server built into the router, now the trouble with DHCP is that the server controls the addresses and they can change without your knowing it. The older, user configured addresses do not change like this, and are known as static ip addresses to differentiate from dynamic addresses.
To prevent a situation where the ip address of your ftp server changes unknown to you, you can set a static address - I'm assuming that you can login to the DNS-323's admin page - select setup and click LAN - you'll see a radio button for DHCP client & static ip, and below that the spaces to enter an ip address, subnet mask, gateway and two DNS servers.
Setting a static address is as easy as clicking the static ip radio button, entering the number and then click save settings (at the top of the page) - knowing what numbers to use is a little more complex - if you're configured for DHCP, there will be numbers there already, make a note of them and tell me what they are, and I'll help you figure it out.