Wow, are awesome....thx so much for all the insights !
Hopefully, last question.
So, since the USB HDD connected to the Router won't be pulled/disconnected "physically" do you need to "disconnect" at the PC ?
Here is my scenario.......plan to use this HDD as my "target" for my nightly backups....first for one PC...maybe more in house over time.
The one PC is my work laptop so I will boot it down and bring to office couple times a from home a lot too.
However, each night it is at home and will "backup".
So, when I shutdown do I need to disconnect first thru the util ? .......I don't on normal USB HDD since Windows handles the disconnect/power on Shutdown.
On boot-up do I need to start the util on the PC and/or could it be loaded into Startup section ?
Right now the USB HDD is set for NTFS.....I assume there is no restrictions on file "type" thru the Router for Shareport ?