my DWI-130 is the E H/W version.
I'm using it with Ubuntu 10.04 using Ndiswrapper and it works flawlessly.
The easiest way to install under Ubuntu is using the Ndiswrapper graphical interface:
Open up Synaptic and install ndiswrapper-gtk, this will install graphical interface and all dependencies.
Download the XP drivers from D-Link website save them into your Home folder in Ubuntu.
In Ubuntu, go to System>Administration>Windows Wireless Drivers (this is ndiswrapper graphical interface).
Click on Install Drivers
Point ndiswrapper to the XP drivers in your Home folder, you will be looking for the net8192su.inf file.
Choose this file and click on Install Drivers and your done.
You may get a popup straight away asking for your network key, enter it and connect, if it doesnt restart computer and you will see your wireless icon on task-bar, click on it choose your network enter your network keyand it will connect.