• February 23, 2025, 01:26:08 AM
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Author Topic: D-Link DAP-1360 Access Point Issues with Apple TV , Ipad and Remote App  (Read 20776 times)


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Good Day to All,
I Rescently aquired an Apple TV (2ng Generation Unit) for business network. At the office I run a simple DSL connection with a netopia wired ROUTER. I also acquired a D-LINK AP-1360 Access Point to give my office network Wireless Capabilities. I would like to enable home sharing of my Apple TV so I can play my itunes/ipad content on the Apple TV in the office.
I have
1. Downloaded the Ipad Remote App to my Ipad
2. Upgraded my Ipad to the lates version of fimware software
3. Upgraded my itunes to the latest version of its software
4. Upgraded the Apple TV to its latest version of it's firmware software.
5. Upgraded the D-Link router to its latest version of it's firmware software.
6. I have enabeled home sharing where ever possible on all of my Apple Devices (ipad, Itunes and ATV)
7. I have connected all devices to the D-Link wireless AP
And I am NOT able to share the content of my Itunes or Ipad on to the apple TV!
So I decided to take this to the next level.
I have taken the setup home where I have a simple DSL network via a netgear DSL mode / wireless router (DGN-1000)
I then proceeded to connect to this network via the netgear
1. The Ipad and ATV
2. Hy home PC is already on this network with Itunes
3. I have enabeled home sharing where ever possible on all of my Apple Devices (ipad, Itunes and ATV)
The Apple TV CAN now see my Playlist on Itunes and I can use my Ipads Remote app on my apple TV!
I then connected to the existing Netgear Rounter my NEW D-Link Access Point AP-1360 and configured it as an Access Point, so now I have separate wireless networks at home (in different channels).
1. I have enabeled home sharing where ever possible on all of my Apple Devices (ipad, Itunes and ATV)
2. I have connected all devices to the D-Link wireless AP
And I am NOT able to share the content of my Itunes or Ipad on to the apple TV!
So I then try the following scenario
1. I connect my ATV to my home netgear wireless signal
2. I connect my ipad to my home d-link wireless signal
And I am NOT able to share the content of my Itunes or Ipad on to the apple TV!
I suspect that there is some type of incompatibility(Firmware BUG) with the Apple TV-Ipad-Remote App on the D-Link AP! Or either I have some sort of setting not configured properly on the D-LINK router.
I have made sure that All ports are OPEN for the D-Link AP on the netgears firewall setting. We know that the Netgear firewall works with all of apple stuff so I should not worry about blocked ports.
These network ports are used by Apple TV for communications on your network.
TCP port 123 is used to communicate with a network time server.
TCP port 3689 is used to communicate with iTunes while using the iTunes Library Sharing feature.
UDP port 5353 is used by Apple TV for automatically finding computers with iTunes on your network using Bonjour.
TCP port 80 is used for communicating with podcast servers.
TCP port 80 and 443 are used for basic and secure communications with the iTunes Store via the Internet.
TCP port 53 is used for regular DNS.
I also tired the following scenario
1. Connected wirelessly ATV to D-LINK AP
2. Connected wirelessly Ipad to Netgear  Router
The Apple TV CAN now see my I can use my Ipads Remote app on my apple TV!
So like any other user, I went to my local apple store to ask for some sort of support. What a joke, they looked at me telling that it should be working! Duh! I feel like I know more than them in this and many other products (and I ask myself why am  I un-employed?)
Short from throwing this access point away or throwing away this ATV am not sure what else to do? Are there any particular settings that I need to configure in any access point to the HOME SHARING to work properly?
Setting such as:
Transmit Power :

Beacon Period :

RTS Threshold :

Fragmentation Threshold :

DTIM Interval :

Preamble Type :
Long Preamble   Short Preamble
WMM Enable :

Enable Multicast Streams :

I guess I will also try the support staff and forums at D-Link but I suspect that I will also get a DUMB look on their faces when I make the call or place this post.
If any one has a suggestions please feel free to comment,
Apple TV (2nd Generation)


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My story and frustration about DAP-1360 follows below. Not sure it helps you though.


The Wi-Fi network in my house is created by the router D-LINK DIR-635 which in turn is connected to the Internet via an ADSL modem. 
The Wi-Fi covers all my house... almost...!
In the part of the house where I have a TV and a stereo, the signal is quite weak and unreliable. Therefor, I've set up an Access Point in this area of the house.
The wireless Access Point is created with a D-LINK DAP-1360. The Ethernet port on DAP-1360 is in turn connected to an Ethernet port on the main router DIR-635. This connection is actually made via a pair of powerline adapters, namely two D-LINK DHP-300. 
The SSID and the WPA2 password in the DAP-1360 are set identical to those in the DIR-635. The channels are set differently though. In the DAP-1360 I've set it to channel 11, while it's set to 3 in the DIR-635. 

I also have an Apple TV 2 (ATV 2) and an Apple AirPort Express (AE) wirelessly connected to the DAP-1360. The Sound Out port on the AE is connected to my stereo, while the ATV 2 is connected to my TV via a HDMI cable. A PC, located in another room running iTunes with Home Sharing, is wirelessly connected to the DIR-635. 

My iPhone and iPad reliably connect to the Internet via the DAP-1360.  The ATV 2 can also access the Internet and reach the remote iTunes library.

However, AirPlay does not work!
This is fixed by enabling Multicast Streams in the DAP-1360, which is set in the menu Advanced > Advanced Wireless. Now it's possible to stream photos from the iPhone/iPad to the ATV 2. It's also possible to stream music from the iPhone/iPad to the ATV 2, as well as to the AE.

In my kitchen, out of reach of the DAP-1360, but in reach of the DIR-635, I have a pair of remote speakers connected to the stereo. Naturally, I want AirPlay to work both in the room with the stereo, and in the kitchen. There is a problem though. Once the iPhone/iPad has been connected to the DAP-1360, AirPlay does not work through the DIR-635!

In the menu Status > Wireless there is a list of clients connected to the DAP-1360. The clients listed are the ATV 2, the AE and the iPhone/iPad. Even if the iPhone/iPad is moved out of reach of the DAP-1360, the list will not change (within hours I think). However, by manually disconnecting Wi-Fi from the iPhone/iPad when connected to the DAP-1360 the iPhone/iPad will be removed from the list and the log Status > Log will be updated. Disconnecting Wi-Fi when connected to the DIR-635 will NOT update the list! This list seems to be crucial; when the iPhone/iPad is not in the list, AirPlay will work through the DIR-635 as well!

Disconnecting Wi-Fi from the iPhone/iPad can be done be enabling Airplane mode. So, whenever I walk out from the room with the stereo, I should remember to set my iPhone/iPad in Airplane mode until the iPhone/iPad is in reach of the DIR-635. Otherwise I will not be able to use AirPlay in the kitchen. Sometimes it's also necessary to restart the iPod application on the iPhone/iPad.

Is something wrong with my setup, or is there a flaw in the DAP-1360?
All my devices are updated to the latest firmware releases, at least those available from Sweden.
