My story and frustration about DAP-1360 follows below. Not sure it helps you though.
The Wi-Fi network in my house is created by the router D-LINK DIR-635 which in turn is connected to the Internet via an ADSL modem.
The Wi-Fi covers all my house... almost...!
In the part of the house where I have a TV and a stereo, the signal is quite weak and unreliable. Therefor, I've set up an Access Point in this area of the house.
The wireless Access Point is created with a D-LINK DAP-1360. The Ethernet port on DAP-1360 is in turn connected to an Ethernet port on the main router DIR-635. This connection is actually made via a pair of powerline adapters, namely two D-LINK DHP-300.
The SSID and the WPA2 password in the DAP-1360 are set identical to those in the DIR-635. The channels are set differently though. In the DAP-1360 I've set it to channel 11, while it's set to 3 in the DIR-635.
I also have an Apple TV 2 (ATV 2) and an Apple AirPort Express (AE) wirelessly connected to the DAP-1360. The Sound Out port on the AE is connected to my stereo, while the ATV 2 is connected to my TV via a HDMI cable. A PC, located in another room running iTunes with Home Sharing, is wirelessly connected to the DIR-635.
My iPhone and iPad reliably connect to the Internet via the DAP-1360. The ATV 2 can also access the Internet and reach the remote iTunes library.
However, AirPlay does not work!
This is fixed by enabling Multicast Streams in the DAP-1360, which is set in the menu Advanced > Advanced Wireless. Now it's possible to stream photos from the iPhone/iPad to the ATV 2. It's also possible to stream music from the iPhone/iPad to the ATV 2, as well as to the AE.
In my kitchen, out of reach of the DAP-1360, but in reach of the DIR-635, I have a pair of remote speakers connected to the stereo. Naturally, I want AirPlay to work both in the room with the stereo, and in the kitchen. There is a problem though. Once the iPhone/iPad has been connected to the DAP-1360, AirPlay does not work through the DIR-635!
In the menu Status > Wireless there is a list of clients connected to the DAP-1360. The clients listed are the ATV 2, the AE and the iPhone/iPad. Even if the iPhone/iPad is moved out of reach of the DAP-1360, the list will not change (within hours I think). However, by manually disconnecting Wi-Fi from the iPhone/iPad when connected to the DAP-1360 the iPhone/iPad will be removed from the list and the log Status > Log will be updated. Disconnecting Wi-Fi when connected to the DIR-635 will NOT update the list! This list seems to be crucial; when the iPhone/iPad is not in the list, AirPlay will work through the DIR-635 as well!
Disconnecting Wi-Fi from the iPhone/iPad can be done be enabling Airplane mode. So, whenever I walk out from the room with the stereo, I should remember to set my iPhone/iPad in Airplane mode until the iPhone/iPad is in reach of the DIR-635. Otherwise I will not be able to use AirPlay in the kitchen. Sometimes it's also necessary to restart the iPod application on the iPhone/iPad.
Is something wrong with my setup, or is there a flaw in the DAP-1360?
All my devices are updated to the latest firmware releases, at least those available from Sweden.