Just a few secs to transfer the files. Indesign checks for modifications, then load new (iv avail) proxy image. Even if high quality the object is still a proxy. Since it has to do this I would expect a delay, but I also had this on my previous setup and never experienced an issue. Now one could also assume that CS4 might manage the network files better. Once I get a hold of that app I am sure I will find out.
I don't want to turn this into an Adobe question (thats being handled elsewhere). I am trying to figure out if anyone else seems to be having the same issue and hopefully we can narrow down the options.
One more thing: I am using file permissions for directories and had done so before the backup. I think it could also be possible that since the security was created through XP, Vista wasn't able to modify or look at the files. I had to telnet into DNS-323 and change all the file permissions via cmd line. Further to this, I have read that security checks are a major bottle-neck for files and dir's. I would venture here lies the issue.