Like RYAT3 said, check a site to see what your WAN IP address is, for example http://www.myip.nl/
The WAN IP address is the address to go to when you are not inside your local area network (LAN).
Then, looking at your port forwarder.
Make sure you are using an unused port on which your router is listening. My advice is not to use 80 or 443, since it is scanned a lot from the Internet ;-)
So use for example 12380
If you let this port forward to on port 80 (or 443*) you should be able to access the cam via the url: http://Wan_IP_Address
:12380/ As you see, you need to add the port number you choose to the url to make it work.
I can not even get to the my dlink option when I use the wizard for setup.
Technically you don't need My Dlink and just for the record. It is not possible to access your cam with the dlink software when you are connecting trough Internet, in case you tried. Have the router forward a port to your cam's http port (80) and use your web browser like described above.
* It is smart to use https (port 443) when you access your camera trough the Internet, since it is encrypted. If you do not, your username and password are sent in plain text over the Internet. For a first test it is probably best to leave it at 80, but make sure to activate https as soon as you have things working. Remember, when you decide to use https, your should replase http to https in your url.
So the url: http://Wan_IP_Address:12380/ will change to https://Wan_IP_Address:12380/