Here's whats connected to the router:
Xbox 1 on port 1
Xbox 360 on port 2
Wifi: 2 iPhone, 1 iPad mini, a bluray player, a wireless printer, and 2 PCs.
1. XBOX Multiple Devices Priority 1 IP range 100-125
If you only have 2 consoles then set IP rage to 100-101 reserving these IP addresses for each xbox. Set Priority to 50. Set Remote IP address range to to and Port Range 0 to 65535 using Both.
2. Apple Devices Priority 10 IP range 126-135
3. Electronic Devices Priority 100 IP range 136-145
Set Apple and Electronic devices to 128. These all could be put in to one rule.
Priority 128 = DONE
4. Guest Devices Priority 255 IP range 145-199
Included with the Gaming QoS instructions, it said to ENABLE WPS since I do have a wireless printer connected to the router. If I do disable WPS, what can possibly happen to my wireless printer?
Your Printer can connect via the SSID and PW as well however you can leave WPS enabled for the printer.
You're right, my printer is connected via SSID and PW, with that said I guess I can leave WPS disabled.
If it doesn't pan out, I guess I'll have to re-ENABLE IPV6. My NAT used to be OPEN, but that was with IPV6 enabled and in AUTO DETECT. I am uneducated about IPV6 so I decided to try something that I KNOW that is secure.