*edit* btw Hardware revision A1 and now 1.12NA Firmware
I have had my 825 for about 5 months now, no problems until tonight. I noticed in my online games my ping would spike and I would start lagging.
3 computers are on the wireless network
1 computer wired on 100LAN
only the wireless computers have this problem. wired connection fine.
I did a ping to google then yahoo then facebook and all returned the same results: pings from 400ms spiking to 2500ms and every 10-15 pings, it would time out.
I then took the router out of the loop and connected one of my computers direct to my cable modem. Everything good, pings in the 15-40ms range, no spiking.
I then found an update to my firmware, proceeded to update it to the latest 112NA
Same problem. Extreme pings and lag.
I goto www.speedtest.net and do a few tests there, the usual 45ms ping, 9-10mb down - and .45mb up are up to 500ms ping, 4mb down and .1mb upload. and to note here, instead of a nice steady download speed, the speed bounces around from 1-5mb
What is the problem?