I was not able to find a DSM-210 section in the forum so trying the next best area.
My problem is similar to others in this section. I purchased a DSM-210 picture frame looking forward to having it read pictures wirelessly from my Iomega NAS. The basic set-up works with the DSM seeing the nas, folders, and pictures. However, when the pictures are presented on the frame, the are very fuzzy. The pictures look like a thumbnail level of resolution was pulled from the server and then expanded on the frame. When the frame pulls pictures from my Windows 7 PC everything looks fine.
I checked with the Iomega folks and they think it is a problem with the frame. My guess is that the d-link folks will say it is a problem with the Iomega NAS. Anyone else have this problem? I not able to find a setting anywhere that selects the resolution of the picture pulled from the NAS.