This new firmware implements the HNAP protocol. See this link for details: installing this firmware, DNS immediately refused to work until I performed a hard reset to factory defaults. (I have DNS Relay disabled and the router was NOT passing the DNS server IP addresses to the PC's.)
While manually entering the configuration, I noticed that the 5 GHz channel width options have changed to 20 MHz and Auto 20/40 MHz instead of the previous 20 MHz and 40 MHz. I hope this doesn't bring back the old "Good Neighbor" problem that was in some of the older firmwares where the router was easily forced into the 20 MHz mode by the presence of other routers in the neighborhood. Incidentally the 20 MHz channel width is now the default for both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. (40 MHz bandwidth is required for connection speeds over 150 MHz.)
Other than the above mentioned problems, the router is so far performing well.
Get your copy here: installation the Status page will show firmware: 1.22NA 2010/01/21.
Good Luck!!