Is it possible that upgrading my firmware (currently at 1.15) could help with this 10Mbps limit?
The answer is no. I tried 1.22. Everything works exactly the same (from my perspective).
I think I went overboard on this post, so I'm just gonna bold all you need to know.
For anyone who's looking for an answer and found this thread... I'll explain what I've learned after a couple tech support calls. (Then I'll return this router and try my luck with a Netgear Rangemax WNDR3700... another reason for the switch is for it's SIMULTANEOUS dual-band capability... I want to wake up to Pandora using my Chumby One.)
Anyway... I started with a Belkin N+ router and that thing could barely stream SD content (because of 2.4ghz interference).
The 4500's 5ghz stream was good enough for SD, but there was still a little lag every now and then. And Amazon VOD HD was impossible (which is confusing since Netflix HD worked fine even when limited by my 5Mbps ISP).
D-Link tech support was not helpful (although it was QUICK, which I can appreciate after calling Microsoft). By quick, I mean
they said I needed to open ports, I said I've already opened ports, they said ports that are different than for gaming, I said what ports,
they said I had to call Microsoft to figure out which ports. Quick. So I called microsoft and after a few escallations I was lucky enough to reach a brilliant tech who just kept trying everything he could think of. Nothing worked, but
opening ports had nothing to do with my problem. Thanks D-Link. We tweaked Windows services, enabled and disabled things in the router, blah, blah, blah, nothing worked.
I think this router just isn't capable of streaming to the Xbox N adapter faster than 10 Mbps (which is fine for everything except watching HD shows.) But without that... I have no reason to go N. This *N*ightmire won't end.