is it just me or this 4Mb cluster size is not so great....
I mean, my uinderstanding on how files are store in a hard drive, is that a cluster can only contain 1 file
and 1 file can be stored across multiple clusters....
I mean if a file size is 8Mb it would take 2 clusters on that drive...
but a file that has a file size is less that 4Mb will take 1 cluster....
meanning 100 files of 100Kb would take 100 clusters... thuss 400 Mb of disk space
instead of the 10Mb they should normaly take....
don't beleive me?
Do a right click --> properties on a folder you will see 2 sizes "Size" and "Size on disk"
"Size on disk" will always be bigger thant "Size" and a multiple of the disk cluster size
"Size" is the actual file sizes summed up....
Even further... check the "Size on disk" of an existing folder....
create a 1 byte file... a TXT file with 1 character in it... and recheck the "Size on disk"
it would have gone up by a cluster size...