I experienced this major wtf problem. Here is the problem: I turn on router with wired ports hooked up(any amount) and when I connect to router wirelessly I get no internet. I connect to router fine(I can access router setup page) but no internet.
How to resolve this: I unplug all wired ports and voila! I get Internet access! I replug all the wired cat cables back into router and wireless continues just fine. Until..... I disconnect and try to reconnect again....
So basically anytime I want to use wireless I have to make sure all ports are unplugged. WTF.
Dlink please dont let me down. I used your dir-655 no problems for 1 year(until it started locking up everyday)
oops forgot to mention this happened with 1.12 as well as the newest firmware 1.22(also reset multiple times)