I can't wait to see what response someone comes up with. I have exactly the same problem with my Kodak 5500 AIO. I had a pretty bad time with the printer with v1.14, but I was able to get it work with that version most of the time, as long as I reinstalled both Shareport and the printer every couple of months.
But with v1.10 (yeah I love how the new version has an older version number, too), I had no problem with Shareport seeing the printer. But when I asked it to connect, all I got was status updating and back to ready again. I know the Kodak's were problematic, so I'm not real surprised, but here's the kicker - I also tried to connect an external USB hard drive to Shareport and had the same thing happen! So it's not all the printer's fault. After three separate uninstall-reinstall's, I'm done. It's too bad, the concept was a good one. But Dlink's got some serious [roblems with making it work. At least my DIR-655 is a good, rock solid router.