Hi all!
I try to configure the wan3(dmz) of my DFL 800 with a new IP in VLAN.
WAN1 and WAN2 are configured without VLAN.
I add a vlan on WAN3/DMZ with an ID an IP a network and a gateway.
The interface ethernet WAN3/DMZ is configured with the same IP network an GW as the VLAN.
I had some rules allow rules in order to allow traffic from interface LAN to VLAN and to interface ethernet.
After that unable to ping the address given to the interface ethernet WAN3/DMZ and VLAN.
Moreover I can see that in logging:
Warning ARP
00300049 Default_Access_Rule wan3_124
rev=1 hwsender=00-50-56-bd-6c-5b hwdest=ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff arp=request srcenet=00-50-56-bd-6c-5b
Could you help me?