The DLNA protocol error (2114 or 2101) from the Playstation 3 is killing me. I have searched all over to resolve this issue, however, it does not work. I have the latest firmwares for both (1.04 for DNS-323, 2.20 for Playstation 3). My Playstation 3 sees my DNS-323 (the name appears on XMB menu), however, when I chose it, I got a DLNA protocol error and nothing shows up. My PS3 is connected wirelessly and I have no problem to connect to the Internet with the PS3. I forward all the possible ports by the information I got from the net to the PS3 and add my PS3 to DMZ in my router setting. BTW, I use a Linksys WRT54G wireless router and upgrade the firmware of the router yesterday to see if it makes any difference.
My conclusion over the last few weeks of research (and doing) is that once you get DLNA error from the PS3, there is no solution (there might be some lucky guys who don't have problems. I hope I am wrong.
I was excited that the DNS-323 and the PS3 can get along. Now I give up.