Haven't purchased a DNS-321 yet, but will probably stick with the older 512B physical sector WD Green drives for now.
....I *just* purchased the DNS-321..and although i wanted to wait for the 2TB EADS drives to drop in price, I bit the bullet and just got the 2TB EARS from the 'Egg with the $20 off of each.....
From what I've been reading the EARS can work ok with the DNS-321, but may require some finagling...
My questions:
1. Can we, in fact, just jumper the drives, or does that only work with older NTFS formatting systems like XP? Since the '321 uses Linux and formats EXT (2/3?), does this mean the jumper is basically useless?
Assuming the above is true, and that we can't jumper the drives then:
2. GideonOmega, can you please verify the exact commands you used and how you did it? I've been perusing the 343 thread, and admittedly am getting a bit confused.
Do we need to format these on separate linux box? do we need to create multiple partitions, or just one large one per drive?
I plan to run these in a mirror configuration...