Gentlemen - I've got to admit, I was searching for the solution, and I came upon your posts. I first read bigph20, and laughed. That had to be the dumbest thing I'd ever thought. Then I read JFZ's. So, first I tried Bigph20, and it did not work, per se. Wanting to isolate this, I tried all the rest of JFZ's, but put the cable back to position 3. It did not work. Then, as JFZ said, I tried the cable position in 1, with the modem disconnected, the reset, and the disconnect for 1 minute. Then I cried because it did work. Holy S. I've been at computer stuff since 1971, I'm DEFINITELY at an expert level, especially on hardware, and I never, ever would have thought of this. D-Link firmware has always been relatively easy to re-flash, this was definitely a new experience.
D-Link, thanks for keeping older boxes up to date, and fixing the WAN problem. But, please either correct the above necessities, or post the solution PROMINENTLY in the notes that accompany the upgrade.
And to both of you gentlemen, my hat is off... Drink Starbucks?