Thanks for sharing your information. I presume this issue was resolve due to the date and time since anyone has posted about.
Hope the information will help any future users.
Step 3: Disabling the linkTo disable the WiFi link start by issuing the following http request:
You should get the following answer:
wifictrl request succeeded HTTP 200 OK
You can also check that the link has indeed been disabled by going back to the status page. The 'ath0' entry should not be present anymore. The setting is not persistent, so if you happen to be unable to connect to your player after disabling the WiFi you can undo the change by power cycling the player.
If you want to disable the WiFi link for good, simply issue the following http request:
The change will now be preserved even after an upgrade. If you ever need to connect the player wirelessly in the future you can turn the WiFi back on as follow:
I found out the hard way that switches such as the DSS-5+ do not forward STP traffic. As soon as I wired 2 or more Sonos I ended up with a network loop and the associated broadcast storms.
Fortunately it is possible to disable the WiFi on a Sonos. This enabled me to manually break the loops that the STP failed to detect.