Any current status?
B1 - SECURITY ISSUE - Port 0-1 shows Closed Not Stealth!TECHS THIS MUST BE FIXED
In response to Lycan about B1 Security Issue
B1 - Minor Security Issue - Port 0 & 1 report closed cont'd
last post was 09/22/2009
still no resolution
This is an issue that has not been addressed in 6 months.
Beyond 3rd party firmware,
is there a way to stealth port 0-1 on a
DIR-825 B1 Port 0 and 1.
I have owned a number of Dlink gateways,
and I could always get the settings to stealth.
Port 0-1 is and issue with this router for stealthing.
any ideas?
have owned:
DI-634M Wireless 108G MIMO Router
DIR-825 A1 F/W 1.01
All have been stealthed.
Dlink per fourms claims this is a non-issue due to
device is not a TRUE FIREWALL.
If a port can be found, closed or not, sooner or later
some one is coming in on another port.