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Author Topic: DIR-685 and XBOX live w/Multiple xboxes problem - please help!?  (Read 6955 times)


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Okay I have tried to solve the issue I am having and I haven't gotten anywhere. So what I will do is first say I am not super tech savvy, but I'm better then your common computer user, so with that being said here is my issue:

- We have 3 (three) xbox 360's in the house.
- All 3 are connected to the DIR-685 router via switches.
- If the 360 downstairs is turned on and connects to live, the two 360's upstairs in separate rooms will not connect online.

Current "Work Around"
- We have been unable to solve this problem other then to restart the router every time a different xbox wants to connect online.
-Use wireless to get online by bridging from a laptop that is connected to the wireless.

Basically, it's like the DIR restarts, lets one xbox online and only that one unless it restarts, then the first one to connect online is the only one allowed to connect online until it is rebooted again.

This is stressful as we would like to be able to play on our separate 360's independently whenever we want.

If someone could PLEASE tell me how to resolve this problem in a step-by-step process in such a way for me to understand it I would very much appreciate it. (Side Note: My friend who owns the house and is in I.T. has already tried to find a way to resolve it and has tried some of the NAT suggestions from others, he says the only way to get online is the work around we are doing now. I would love to be able to show him I found a better solution!

Thank you all so much!


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Re: DIR-685 and XBOX live w/Multiple xboxes problem - please help!?
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2010, 11:13:00 AM »

Have tried giving each xbox it's own ip address  ???


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Re: DIR-685 and XBOX live w/Multiple xboxes problem - please help!?
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2010, 09:25:39 PM »

yep..  :-\


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Re: DIR-685 and XBOX live w/Multiple xboxes problem - please help!?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2010, 07:12:19 AM »

I have only one xbox that is connected wirelessly. One have got upnp enabled on the router? I am wondering if the all 3 xboxes are fighting over the same port which is knocking the other one off. You will have to look at the status page when you fire up the xboxes to see if they are fighting each other. I found this on a web site http://www.360-hq.com/xbox-tutorials-18.html This shows that the xbox opens up to ports.
UDP 88
UDP 3074
TCP 3074
This was for portforwarding. It might reason why you cannot connect 3 xboxes at the same time.
Try googling to see if there is any info out there. Good Luck M  :)
Update have a look at this http://www.eurogamer.net/forum_thread_posts.php?thread_id=99568
The second one has large answer which might help you. Let me know if it works. Long live google.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 05:54:34 AM by morphy »


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Re: DIR-685 and XBOX live w/Multiple xboxes problem - please help!?
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2010, 02:58:30 PM »

Got 2 Xbox360's working fine!

Uses fixed ip's on them, no Portforwarding for Xbox live has been set!
If you do only that Xbox Will work with live..
(Also I did disable SPI under firewall settings)

The drawback is you get some NAT limitations, depending on WHO you want to chat with and that
persons NAT mode in use!
But it Will mostly work fine in 98% of the cases!

Don't do portforwarding!
Only UPNP otherwise you Will limit Xbox live to
thebox you do forward the packets to (that particular ip)

Maybe you just have done a portforwarding to an dhcp assigned ip address! Causing the first Xbox to boot and  get an ip address fr.o.m. The router to get online! That Xbox Will then keep that ip until you reeboot the router or it's lease time is reached! (Sounds like it! Remove any portforwarding rules for Xbox live)

There was some kind of firmware update in the US 1.01N i guess it was called!
But i dont remember if that was for an Xbox issue or not!
Remember it is only for the US version of the router.

Also don't use the MS wireless adapters, i had alot of compatibility issues with those!
Ensure you setup uniq IP's correct subnetmask, gateway and dns and it should work.

Also offcource you can't use one Xbox Live account on more than one Xbox at the time, but
i guess you know that.

>Gaming and QoS for XBL
« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 01:04:29 PM by FurryNutz »