I think this thread answered my question, but let me pose it just to be sure.
I have two DNS-323 boxes. One of them is my Data server and is hard to get to the back of the unit to replug in power and the USB printer. The second is to become a Backup server for TrueImage backups of my 3 computers. I have a Raid 1 set in each box. I could swap the boxes out and then change the ip config information, but it would be far easier if I could just swap the drives out.
If I understand this thread correctly, I can take the older set out of Box 1 and put them in Box 2 and put the set from Box 2 into Box 1. Then Box 1 would retain all of the network configuration settings for my data server but the two new drives as a Raid 1 volume would be available on my Data Server. Since the Raid volume information is stored on the drives. (similarly for my Backup Server)
Did I miss anything?
P.S. Originally I was using the one drive for both Data and Backup, but it was getting too full, so I decided to split the functionality up.