Try the following steps:
- Go to Start, click on Run
- Type in services.msc and Enter
- Go to the very bottom of the page, about 3 or 4 items from the bottom will be Wireless Zero Configuration
- Double click on Wireless Zero Configuration
- Click the Stop (if available)
- Wait a few seconds, and click on Start
- Click OK at the bottom, and close down all windows
- Right click on the wireless connection icon in the system tray (bottom right hand corner of your screen), and select view available wireless networks.
- On the next screen please click on the Advanced button.
- Remove all the entries from the Preferred Networks List then click the refresh button
- Select the wireless network in the Available list and click on Configure.
- On the next screen enter any encryption you might have setup on the router, if not then just click on OK.
- Click on OK again.