Good call. That one works great on wireless NIC's. It can function on a router but the antenae are the same stock ones that come on the router. But its awsome if your signal issue is from a deadzone since you can move the location of where your capturing or broadcasting the signal.
Now if you actually want to increase the amount of signal the router is broadcasting, try this the product below. Keep in mind, this may sacrifice your routers ability to use N, and it will certianly stop if from using the 5mhz range, so if either of your laptops are N, don't use. Chances are though your network isn't even using N, and if not, you cant beat the price and ability.
6$ reconditioned on Newegg
Or you actually want a repeater, theres:
But I wouldnt suggest it. A, it got bad reviews, and B, the setup is not for the novice. Last point, these were all Dlink products, because of forum rules, but theres other options out there. Check out Newegg and Tigerdirect.