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Author Topic: purchase advice  (Read 3399 times)


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purchase advice
« on: July 02, 2010, 03:29:35 PM »

Hi there guys,

i come to this forum looking for advice and opinions about the DNS 321.

here is the "intended" use

data storage
media streaming to a PS3

yes i know very spartan use and very basic (i like simple)

heres the thing i recently purchased a NAS made by a certain memory company, for the most part worked well, but the streaming media didnt work that well and i couldnt get the ps3 to display the files in alphabetical order wich is a PITA when you have 800gig worth or movies and tv series and trying to find the one you want to watch.

so my questions are:

 1 is the alphabetical display just a issue with that certain unit?
 2 how is the unit when streaming to a ps3 ?
 3 and what is the general opinion of this unit?

im planing on having 2 seagate 1TB drives in there and speed is not really an issue as its only runing on a 10/100 :P

thanks in advance for any infomation and opinions that you offer.


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Re: purchase advice
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2010, 04:54:23 PM »

Well, on a 100mbit link, you'll have full utilization of the bandwidth, so if you can stream from anywhere, the DNS-323 should do it.

If you don't need a print server, you might consider the DNS-321, it's cheaper and will still exceed the capability of a 100mbit connection.
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Re: purchase advice
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2010, 05:14:01 PM »

I was streaming from a PC to my Xbox and PS3 and it was working 100%, with the exception of 2 things.

The PC is LOUD!!  so, in my home theater, it was annoying to have to drown out the PC, and anywere else in the house its still loud.

when the power hit any kind of a brown out , it locked up the PC.

As for the DNS-321, well I am still not 100% it was the best choice since honestly I have 2 1.5 T drives and I am having indexing issues.

I expect with time, that will get resolved, but for now its the only thing holding me back from saying best choice.