English is one of my mayor weakness !!!!
I try to explain better: I bought a Tv set (Panasonic TXP50G20E) this TV has a DNLA support; I switch on the UPnP support on DNS-323, and the TV "saw" the NAS (I read MAC number, etc.).
When the TV is connected with the NAS, showed me 3 folders (Video, Photo, Music) but those 3 folders it doesn't exist on the NAS, infact if I try to open one, showed me a message like "Server not connected".
So, I try to create a folder with the same name of the folder showed by the TV, but nothig happens.
It's like the TV it doesn't able to read the folder present on the NAS.
Probably because the name of main folder is "Volume_1" and is not possible to create another main folder called "Video, Photo, etc.)
Thats way I decided to buy a WD TV HD Live, to play my file direct from the NAS
I hope now is more clear