We have tried to use multiple DSM-510s (f/w 1.07) and D-Link MediaServer v1.09 that has integrated UPnP Control Point media controller functionality. There are some issues that I cannot solve, any help would be appreciated even though I understand that this is an undocumented and unsupported feature of these media players.
1. Does the D-Link MediaServer 1.09 stream with multicast if more than one players (renderers) are detected? I can control the players independently, but if I choose to control several players simultaneously (ie. check "select" on multiple players) usually only one of the players starts to play. The other players shut down or do not start playback. Our network management shows IGMP traffic indication of multicast traffic that would (if not properly supported by network devices) cause issues in stream playback.
2. Is there any method to change the UPnP host name of the DSM unit from the default "D-Link Medialounge DSM-510" so that it would be easier to identify multiple units in the network. DSM-520 had this option, but DSM-510 does not.
3. Is D-Link going to continue release D-Link mediaserver software updates and support officially UPnP control point feature. I have tried also with third party (Cidero) open source UpnP controller, but it doesn't work with DSM-510. There are other minor issues with the integrated control point feature of the current server 1.09.
Any feedback from users with any control point experience would be great, any additional third party control point software I could try?