First - any access from the internet will require the relevant port(s) to be forwarded at the router, and then the connection is made using ftp://x.x.x.x:5588 (where x.x.x.x is your external ip).
Second - you need to make a decision as to whether you're going to use active or passive ftp and configure your setup accordingly - active ftp is simpler to configure IF you stick with the standard ports, passive ftp requires a little more configuration at the ftp server side - look at the ftp server settings and use either port fowarding or port triggering to forward the passive range to the DNS-323 - do not forget to check the "Report external IP in passive mode box, and verify the ip is correct.
That should be enough to get you going for now - but sooner or later your public ip address will change and you'll need to reconfigure stuff, registering a URL with dyndns fixes that, but for now, let's get it running using the ip address.