I need some helps here for the configuration of IPCAM dcs950g and dcs5220 for recording on a NAS which is DNS-313.
Im not too sure for model dcs950g whether supported for recording to NAS, if it not supported, please advise how should i do a scheduled recording on a external device.
Im sure that dcs 5220 is supported for recording in a NAS, but seems like i am unable for pointing to the correct path. The user guide only show the example like (\\DNS-313\shared), I don't really understand by that. My Samba testing always fail or invalid path.
My DNS-313 is connected in a network which can be access both locally and remotely, same as my both model of IPCAM. Please advise on the correct pathway. How should i type in the path textbox input?
Thanks alot for your help!