Well I pulled the second drive and I can again access the volume_1 share on the remaining original drive.
I did hook up the 2nd (new) drive to my PC and using Ext2 IFS for Windows, I was able to see all the data on the drive. So it looks like thre build finished, but when I put the drive in it keeps denying access to the Volume_1 share. Also I don't think it is just an issue with the share for two reasons, one as per above I can access it without the second drive, and two - the scandisk keeps failing, going back to -1MB, and prompting to restart. If it was just the share I wouldnt expect the scandisk to also keep failing.
I deleted everything relating to funplug off the volume before I did the format as I had read of problems formatting with ffp installed.
I am looking for a solution rather than a workaround as I dont want to have to format and start a new array every time I have a bad drive.