@cosnomate As you say there is no setting for vpn. I know vpn has started by looking at the log when you first boot or restart the router.
"Jul 26 15:55:05 ","Time synchronized"
"Jul 26 15:55:02 ","Access Control disabled."
"Jul 26 15:55:02 ","Remote management is disabled."
"Jul 26 15:55:02 ","Block WAN PING is enabled."
"Jul 26 15:55:01 ","DMZ disabled."
"Jul 26 15:55:01 ","VPN (L2TP) Pass-Through enabled."
"Jul 26 15:55:01 ","VPN (IPSec) Pass-Through enabled."
"Jul 26 15:55:01 ","VPN (PPTP) Pass-Through enabled."
"Jul 26 15:55:01 ","Domain blocking disabled."
"Jul 26 15:55:01 ","URL blocking disabled."
"Jul 26 15:55:01 ","MAC filter disabled."
"Jul 26 15:54:55 ","DHCP: Client send DISCOVER."
"Jul 26 15:54:55 ","DHCP: Client performing a DHCP renew."
"Jul 26 15:54:54 ","DHCP: Client send DISCOVER."
"Jul 26 15:54:48 ","VPN (L2TP) Pass-Through enabled."
"Jul 26 15:54:48 ","VPN (IPSec) Pass-Through enabled."
"Jul 26 15:54:48 ","VPN (PPTP) Pass-Through enabled."
"Jul 26 15:54:48 ","Domain blocking disabled."
"Jul 26 15:54:48 ","URL blocking disabled."
"Jul 26 15:54:48 ","MAC filter disabled."
"Jul 26 15:54:35 ","DHCP: Server sending ACK to (Lease time = -1)"
"Jul 26 15:54:35 ","DHCP: Server receive REQUEST from 00:19:21:52:2a:42."
"*************** ","System started."
You need to goto port forwarding then click application name and will see ipsec and pptp settings so you then goto computer setting for your ip address and once you have set everthing you save it.
Please note I have not used vpn on this router this is the best answer I can come up with. M