thanks for the reply mushymarlin.
I've seem exactly the opposite to your suggestion too, i.e. that it only support security higher than WEP. It's worth a try, so I'll give it a go and let you know.
It seems that the feature was withdrawn from the DIR-855's predecessor (DIR-655), and has never been included with the 855. Is this a ploy to get us to buy more hardware? I looks like I'm going to have to purchase another DAP-2553, so that I can connect these networks. Three devices for a home network. Come on dlink do us a favour. Put the code back in, so that we continue to have faith in your hardware.
sorry ... bit of a rant there ...
does anyone know whether the code was pulled for the DIR-855, so I can justify my ranting? I'll be very happy to back down, and be proved wrong.