... Volume_1 basically is the last disk that the DNS323 boot up on...
I don't think this observation is exactly true? In linux system startup, the hard drives
are assigned device names, based on the order the hard drives are detected, on the hard
drive controllers.
For the DNS-323 the hard drive controllers are labeled on the circuit board in the photo
http://wiki.dns323.info/_detail/11.jpg?id=start&cache=cache as HDD0 and HDD1
In a single hard drive configuration, regardless if the drive is attached to HDD0 or HDD1,
the single hard drive will be detected and assigned the device name /dev/sda. The D-Link
scripts will mount the second partition on the /dev/sda drive to /mnt/HD_a2 and the samba.conf
will share the directory (/mnt/HD_a2) as 'Volume_1'
In a dual hard drive configuration, the hard drive which is attached to the HDD0 controller will
be detected and assigned the device name /dev/sda. The hard drive which is attached to the
HDD1 controller will be detected and assigned the device name /dev/sdb. The D-Link scripts will
mount the second partition on the /dev/sda drive to /mnt/HD_a2 and the second partition on the
/dev/sdb drive to /mnt/HD_b2. The samba.conf will share the directory (/mnt/HD_a2) as 'Volume_1'
and the directory (/mnt/HD_b2) as 'Volume_2'.