Ok ok. I will give a more complete answer. First
some background. And you thought it was just click and play :-) Actually, it gets even more complicated then even that article makes it, but that should give a general understanding.
Heres the three important things to remember there:
1. Flash handles sound and video seperatly.
2. Flash downloads and renders each frame before going to the next.
3. Flash uses a kind of shorthand so that common factors from frame to frame can be reference without downloading and rendering from scratch.
So now your issue. You play a movie, it goes along then has to rebuffer at a certian point. You turn off Gamefuel, try again with the same movie and it doesn't need to rebuffer. First remeber that the movie is stored as cache on your computer. So turning off gamefuel and trying to replay the same movie is going to give you a false positive, because a good chunk of the movie has already downloaded and rendered. Now if you tried it later, there can also be issues, because the streaming rate is very dependent on the number of people trying to stream that movie. Last, when you reload a movie, it defaults to its lowest resolution. So if you play a movie at 720, turn off gamefuel, then reload, it will most likly play at 480 or less, which is alot less strain on your connection.
So lets assume none of those issues were factors. If the only common issue is gamefuel on and off, then there is some traffic on your network that Gamefuel is giving a higher priorty then HTML (Port 80). You can either slow that service down (or remove the gamefuel rule if you have one configured) or add a rule to speed that traffic type up. Now you don't have to set a specific IP to a Gamefuel rule, you can use a range. And if you want all HTML traffic on your network to take priority then try this:
Enable: Checked
Name: HTML
Priority: 75 (Or lower then what ever you want it faster then, but don't set below 50)
Protocol: 6 (TCP)
Local IP Range: to
Local Port Range: 80 to 80
Remote IP Range: to
Remote Port Range: 80 to 80
Notice it's ok to use a broad sweep for the Remote IP range since this is a prioritization rule, and not a forwarding rule, so it doesn't bypass your firewall or NAT. AKA, its safe. Now if your looking for Gamefuel to not automatically classify HTML a lower priority, then thats a valid point, but one that is not fixable I believe without a firmware update.
Oh, almost forgot. Also, just because you have a fast connection to the internet, doesn't mean you have a fast connection to youtube. A good test to take is
this one. That just gives you a idea of your connection to youtube. To see your connection to a certain video, right click on the video. (the flash video, not the link) and left click on "Show video Info". All kinds of goodies there aye?