I recently upgraded my PC and I installed DviewCam 3.0. On my old computer, I had an older version of DviewCam, but not sure which one. I used to have an option to have the camera sit at "Home" for 15 minutes(or what ever time I selected) and then do a patrol of all my selected preset locations. In version 3.0 I can't find anything to make the camera sit at "Home" and then patrol after a given amount of time, then repeat the sit and patrol. I can ajust the time to sit at each location but that is not what I'm looking for. Am I missing something somewhere or did this feature get removed from ver. 3.0? The only way I can make it sit at "Home" is to put "Home" in the sequence 10 times and then run the rest of the patrol. It works but there is one slight problem. I don't have the full control of the camera I like. Before, during the sit time at "Home", I could aim the camera anywhere and at any of my preset locations. Now If I try that, the camera will go to my preset location but will immediately return back to home(since the patrol is still running).
Any suggestions or should I go back to the older version? I am also running Win 7 64 bit now on this new PC.