Hi all,
At home
Home PC is XP pro
In office
(1) office pc is Win 7 Ultimate <- this PC is the VPN server
This pc is connected to router
(2) DNS is connected to router as well
** note all PCs and Macs (SL) in office can see and mount drives and printer connected to 323 so everything is ok.
Problem is when I login from home to office (win 7 machine) via VPN, I can ping to the 323 from home and even see the config/login page of the 323. So I guess that I have successfully joint the office network.
But I cannot mount drives of the 323, neither can I print to the printer on the 323.
Please note that the Win 7 machine (acting as the vpn server in the office) was an XP pro before and I was able to login and mount drives and print to the printer connected to the 323.
I wonder if there is some sharing policy within win 7 that I have to set or change some setting on the 323 in order to make it work again.
Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance.