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Author Topic: DGL-4500 blocking my Age of Conan Update!  (Read 11940 times)


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DGL-4500 blocking my Age of Conan Update!
« on: April 29, 2008, 12:51:00 PM »


I'm having a rather annoying use with my DGL-4500, the Firewall seems to block my Age of Conan Updater, even when I've got no firewall whatsoever on my computer, and even got my static IP-address DMZ-hosted..

Why the heck does the router block anything at all when my IP is DMZ-hosted in the first place??
Any why Age of Conan Updater??


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Re: DGL-4500 blocking my Age of Conan Update!
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2008, 03:00:17 PM »

I've tried about everything now, and the only way to get the Age of Conan Updater to work, is my unplug the DGL-4500 and plug my self directly to our modem..

Why does the firewall keep blocking stuff, even after I've tried to disable it?
It should really be possible to complete disable the firewall, and why the heck is it still enabled when I'm using a DMZ-hosted static IP-address? That's just plain stupid..

Is this a common problem for all D-Link routers?


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Re: DGL-4500 blocking my Age of Conan Update!
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2008, 03:13:22 PM »

The router could be blocking patcher if it is using an inbound connection to your computer (ala bit torrent).  You may need to setup specific port forward rules in order to get your machine to work properly with AoC. I don't have any specific information about how the AoC patcher works so I can't give you more than some vague information about it. You could try checking out their website and see if they have a support forum that tells you what ports you need opened in order to run their patcher correctly.


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Re: DGL-4500 blocking my Age of Conan Update!
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2008, 03:58:38 PM »

Disable the SPI on the routers firewall page under the advanced tab.

-AoC? Beta group I assume?


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Re: DGL-4500 blocking my Age of Conan Update!
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2008, 05:41:08 PM »

The router could be blocking patcher if it is using an inbound connection to your computer (ala bit torrent).  You may need to setup specific port forward rules in order to get your machine to work properly with AoC. I don't have any specific information about how the AoC patcher works so I can't give you more than some vague information about it. You could try checking out their website and see if they have a support forum that tells you what ports you need opened in order to run their patcher correctly.

The whole point of having a DMZ-hosted static IP-Address is to make sure every single port is opened for my IP-address.


In other words, when I'm using a DMZ-hosted IP, all ports are supposed to be opened. There should be no restrictions whatsoever, no firewall, nothing..

That's why I should not need to forward any ports at all, though I also tried to forward the ports for the patcher, but without any luck.

Disable the SPI on the routers firewall page under the advanced tab.

-AoC? Beta group I assume?

If you read my first posts, you would have understand that I've got the firewall completely disabled.
And this is no Age of Conan BETA issue, as everyone else in the BETA are able to download the patch, even I' am able to if I connect myself directly into our ADSL modem, or directly to our old Linksys WRT54Gv5, it's only when connected to the DGL-4500 the issue occur.

So there is not much doubt that the DGL-4500 is blocking something and messing it all up.
And why I can't really understand, as I've got my IP DMZ-hosted, the firewall completely disabled, so there should not be any reason for the router to block anything I do on my computer.
But it seems, like people have claimed before, that the DGL-4500 keeps blocking stuff even if your IP is DMZ-hosted and you have tried to do everything that is possible to get the firewall disabled.

It's seems like it's impossible to completely disable the firewall on DGL-4500, even with a DMZ-hosted IP I keep getting packages blocked, that's simply plain s*t*u*p*i*d. What's the point with DMZ, if the router still keeps blocking stuff?

And why would it block the Age of Conan Patcher in the first place?
It hasn't been blocking it until now, I've been updating lots of time the past weeks without any issue, and now suddenly it starts to block the patcher?


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Re: DGL-4500 blocking my Age of Conan Update!
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2008, 06:13:52 PM »

Okay, here I've got the log of what's happening when I run the Age of Conan Patcher:

[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:02:02 2008 Log viewed by IP address
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:58 2008 Starting WAN Services
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:58 2008 Estimating speed of WAN interface
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:58 2008 WAN interface is up. Connection to Internet established with IP Address and default gateway
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:58 2008 Obtained IP Address using DHCP. IP address is
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:57 2008 Log viewed by IP address
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:56 2008 Bringing up WAN using DHCP
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:56 2008 WAN interface cable has been connected
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:54 2008 Log viewed by IP address
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:53 2008 Stopping WAN Services
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:53 2008 WAN interface is down
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:53 2008 WAN interface cable has been disconnected
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:53 2008 Log viewed by IP address
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:52 2008 Above message repeated 1 times
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:51 2008 Blocked outgoing ICMP packet (ICMP type 3) from to
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:51 2008 Log viewed by IP address
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:43 2008 Above message repeated 8 times
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:43 2008 Blocked outgoing ICMP packet (ICMP type 3) from to
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:42 2008 Log viewed by IP address

As my see, the exact moment I start the patcher the DGL-4500 blocks:
[INFO] Wed Apr 30 03:01:43 2008 Blocked outgoing ICMP packet (ICMP type 3) from to I know for sure is from the Age of Conan Patcher, so why does the router blocks this package? It's completely harmless, and even if the firewall suspects the file, why does it block it? My IP-Address is DMZ-hosted so there is no reason for the router to block it..

And for some reason the router decides to drop the entire WAN connection, which makes everything getting screwed. And the it re-connects, and then of course I have to restart the Patcher and then the same thing happens over and over again..

Damn annoying!
I could have accepted this kind of behaviour, if it wasn't for the fact that I've got my static IP-address DMZ-hosted! It's okay that the router might block the patcher if I got the ports blocked, and the firewall enabled, but the situation is that I've got the SPI disabled, the NAT set to Endpoint Independent and my IP DMZ-hosted. So there is no valid excuse for the router to block anything from my computer at all!

This is a rather critical bug, that you aren't able to completely disable the entire firewall at all.
No matter what settings you use, the firewall will always block things, and that's ridiculous!
That there is no option, whatsoever in the firmware do completely disable the firewall is a huge BUG or whatever you like to call it.

But the worst thing is, that there exist a DMZ option, which means that you on the paper are able to bypass the firewall completely by giving your computer a DMZ-hosted IP-address, but the entire DMZ on this router is a joke, what's the point with DMZ when the router still keeps blocking stuff?
That's a HUGE BUG! It's not a DMZ-function when the routers still keeps blocking things, the DMZ is simply not functioning as it should and that's a major failure with this router.

And if that's not getting fixed I can just trash my DGL-4500 right away and look for another router.


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Re: DGL-4500 blocking my Age of Conan Update!
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2008, 07:02:16 PM »

Is your WAN IP a public or a private?  The packets might be getting lost in translation if you are double nating regardless of DMZ.



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Re: DGL-4500 blocking my Age of Conan Update!
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2008, 11:11:05 AM »

DMZ is not intended to pass protocols. Only TCP based connections. In fact our DMZ is still routed through NAT. What is the WAN ip address listed on the status page?


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Re: DGL-4500 blocking my Age of Conan Update!
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2008, 05:22:45 AM »

I have to add that the is also DMZ-hosted from out VoIP adapter, and as I said there is no issue whatsoever if I connect myself directly to the VoIP adapter or to our old WRT54Gv5.

That is what bothering me the most, currently I'm sitting on our old Linksys WRT54Gv5 (which really [exploitive deleted] when it comes to hardware). It feels like a great waste of money when our new D-Link DGL-4500, which costs more than our old WRT54Gv5 did for several years ago seems to have poorer wireless signal, and also got these DMZ and firewall issues.

I've bought the DGL-4500 because of the GameFuel feature, and because it was supposed to be one of the most stable and bets performing routers on the marked. As well as the wireless signal was supposed to have a good radius.

Now I sit and can't update my Age of Conan Game at all, since the router blocks the updater and drops the WAN every time I try to update. The DMZ-hosting isn't working as it should at all, it's not possible to disable the firewall.. Also the wireless radius has decreased with the DGL-4500 compared with our old WRT54Gv5.

When it works, the router seems rock solid and fast, and the GameFuel is a really nice feature.
But I couldn't care less, as when the router keeps blocking stuff which is crucial for me, then it doesn't matter how stable it might be, or how fast. Because then it becomes completely useless.

If there is no fix for these problems, or no update which address these bugs, then I can just return my DGL-4500 right away and set up a Micro-ATX computer with DD-WRT X86 as a router.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 07:38:34 AM by RamGuy »