Hello all.
I have had my DNS-323 since January, and I am REALLY LOVING this thing... I am using it to its fullest, and really happy with it. Well, that was until about 1:30am this morning when I upgraded to Firmware 1.05 and re-formated the hard drives.
My DNS-323 is housing 2x Seagate 7200.10 ST3500630AS (yes, it is on the supported drives list) 500GB hard drives. I was previously running them in a RAID 1 array. I backed up everything on the drive, and I was going to format the disc's, and move to JBOD, one drive for 500 Gigs of storage, and the other to back up my 500 Gig drive in my PC.... Then the 2nd 500 Gig drive in my PC would back up the 500 Gig media drive in the DNS-323. RAID 1 isn't any kind of data security, so that's why I am leaving it in the dust... Sure it is fine for hard disc failure, but it doesn't protect from accidental deletion and other similar things.
SO... Last night, I upgraded the firmware to 1.05 without a hitch. Then I went to format the drives for JBOD, and the progress bar hung at 94% completion. I left it there for 30 minutes, and tried to refresh the browser as I have seen suggested here, and I was able to log into the DNS, but then was given a prompt saying that the drive needed to be formated again. I started the format, and went to sleep. When I woke up around 08:00, the format was still hung at 94%, and received the same page showing that the drives needed to be formatted. At this point, I downgraded to firmware 1.04, and the same issue persisted. My next step was to reset the DNS to factory defaults, and I am STILL getting the same issue.
Any suggestions here? Thanks all!
Figured I'd throw it in that I am very happy with my D-Link networking hardware, and have had minimal bad experiences with it over the past 2 years. Currently running WBR-2310 router, Hardware Version: A1 Firmware Version: 1.03.