^^ Thanks Lucid, that did the trick. I no longer get the errors of not being able to delete or chmod a file to different attributes via Filezilla.
I did change the wrong folder to my user the first time. I'm not sure what user level it had. But I changed it back to "nobody" like one of the other folders had.
+This explains why in XP I'm unable to open a word document for example when logging in to a folder under my username/password. But when I navigate to the same folder and open the same word document without having to login it opens.
I think the answer to this is NO. But any way of setting multiple users to a folder? Either by each user individually or by using a group?
EDIT: BTW, How come I can access the folder and now change things in Filezilla when I don't even have Port 21 forwarded in my DIR-655? This is on my local LAN...