I have a DGL-4500 (router; firmware 1.12), DAP-1522 (bridge; firmware 1.02) and DWA-160 (USB adapter; Rev B, firmware 2.20).
Thinking that having now only 'n' products, all D-LINK, with the router set to 'n'-only at 5 GHz, 20/40 auto, my speeds would be jaw-dropping.
However, although everything is connected fine, I get only a 27% / ~100MBPs connection with the bridge which is ~35 feet away (on a lower floor), and 88% / ~ 180 MBPs connection with the USB adapter sitting only 10 feet away (virtually unobstructed).
Is this considered acceptable? I get these numbers from the router log-in/status page. Any other way to measure speeds? Thanks!