I had similar issues with my DIR-825 that were corrected with a firmware upgrade. I have Comcast broadband and was getting 12563kbs down and 373kbs up when using the router. Connecting direct to the cable modem gave me 19012kbs down and 2104kbs up. Long story short, my firmware (V1) was being considered as current in the router, but a newer version (1.1) was available on the D-Link support site. I exported my settings, downloaded the firmware upgrade, upgraded, rebooted, reloaded the settings and rebooted again. The tests (speakeasy) now showed, using the router, as getting 21366kbs down and 2515kbs up. I also tried disabling QOS, but the results didn't seem to be too beneficial: 20939kbs down and 2562kbs up. FWIW.