I am a novice at this, can you explain why it is a no no to put the DIR-130 behind the DIR-655? To my way of thinking, if I set up a VPN server on an XP machine, it would be behind the router too, that supposedly works, why not the router?
My Microsoft IPSEC Diagnostic Tool logs show the following:
Oakley Diagnosis:
(If you did not repro the issue while the tool was running, ignore Oakley Diagnosis)
Information: The host machine is Initiator
Information : Retransmit failure for first IKE Packet. This machine tried to start IKE negotiation with the other machine but it never Received a response. Possible that the other side 1.didn't have a matching MM filter, 2.never received the packet sent by this system 3. This system didn't receive the packet sent by the other side
Live Debugging: End
RRAS Diagnosis:
--Passed : RRAS is switched off, implying no external policies
--Information: Disabling RRAS trace that was enabled during live debugging.RRAS logs copied.
Registry and Events Diagnosis:
--Passed: System, Application and Security event logs collected
IPsec filters, SAs Diagnosis:
--Passed : Generic MM Filters Configured
--Passed :Specific MM Filters Configured
--Information: No Specific Tunnel Filters Configured
--Passed: Main Mode Policies Configured correctly
--Passed: Quick Mode Policies Configured correctly
--Failed: No Main Mode SAs exist between and zz.zzz.zzz.zzz
--Failed: No Quick Mode SA exists between and zz.zzz.zzz.zzz
--Falied : No SA exists between and zz.zzz.zzz.zzz
----However filters exist. Refer logs to debug the failure
Is there any hint here as to what is causing it to fail? The zz.zzz.zzz.zzz address is the public WAN address of the DIR-655. The DIR-130 has an internal address of The logs seems to show an IKE transmit problem.
My DIR-655 has Virtual Server set up to forward UDP port 1701, UDP 500, UDP 4500 and Protocol 50 to the DIR-130. Also, the Application Level Gateway Configuration is enabled for PPTP and IPSEC(VPN).